AI Grid

This page consolidates all of the AI listings at
Hence, some of the items listed here may go beyond AI Apps and include AI Grants, AI Models, AI Companies and other topic relevant to the AI industry.

Each section has practical information, insight and inspiration regarding the latest AI Apps, Models, Companies & Grants. This category mainly exists to consolidate all AI listings apart from the Aifinesse Blog for operational and overview purposes.

Nvidia AI

Nvidia AI              NVIDIA is a technology company that has revolutionized the way Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being developed and deployed.…

12 months ago

Baidu AI

Baidu AI              Baidu Ai is Baidu's comprehensive range of artificial intelligence products and services that comprise advanced technologies. These technologies…

12 months ago

AI21 Labs

AI21 Labs              AI21 Labs is a young startup that is rapidly making a name for itself in the burgeoning field…

12 months ago


Anthropic              Anthropic is an AI company that focuses on developing artificial intelligence models to improve conversational AI experiences. One of…

12 months ago


OpenAI              OpenAI is a research lab that has been making significant strides in the field of artificial intelligence since its…

12 months ago

Meta AI

Meta AI              Meta AI, a division of Meta, is at the forefront of AI technology. With a company that prides…

12 months ago

Google AI

Google AI               Google AI refers to the range of artificial intelligence research and development projects carried out by Google, including…

12 months ago

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research              Microsoft Research is a global research organization dedicated to advancing the state of the art in computer science…

12 months ago


Visily              Visily is an innovative wireframe tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enable non-designers, such as founders,…

12 months ago

IMGCreator AI

IMGCreator AI     is a cutting-edge AI image generator that uses advanced algorithms to create high-quality images. This innovative tool…

12 months ago